"You sound to me as though you don't believe in free will," said Billy Pilgrim. "If I hadn't spent so much time studying Earthlings," said the Tralfamadorian, "I wouldn't have any idea what was meant by free will. I've visited 31 inhabited planets in the universe...Only on Earth is there any talk of free will." -- K. Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Why have I been out of school for three years? I started a class called "Genocide and Human Rights" today, and being there felt so good. Why do academics get to have all the fun?

As I was riding my bike home in the rain, some guy on Franklin who looked like Fat Albert told me that he liked my bike. I couldn't see very well because my glasses were covered in rain, but I tried to shout a "thanks, Fat Albert!" in his general direction.

right now I am reading:

The History of the Armenian Genocide (Vahakn Dadrian)
Eichmann in Jerusalem (Hannah Arendt)
A really big course reader that cost $100!!

listening to:

The Unicorns
the constant rain

and wishing I had not drank so much coffee at night.


Idris Seabright Jr. said...

If you read Hannah Arendt AND listen to Looper at the same time, you will explode. It's scientifically proven.

2:51 AM

Team Member Sven said...

Man I love the Unicorns. Did you see them at the T-Rock when they were here? I wish I had. But I am extremely lazy.

12:57 PM

jecca said...

Yeah, I did, but their show in January at the Entry was way better. The Triple Rock show was full of kids, which made the Unicorns act a bit younger than they needed to. The show at the Entry was fantastic, though. One of the best shows of the year.

1:36 PM

jecca said...

Yeah, I did, but their show in January at the Entry was way better. The Triple Rock show was full of kids, which made the Unicorns act a bit younger than they needed to. The show at the Entry was fantastic, though. One of the best shows of the year.

1:37 PM


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