"You sound to me as though you don't believe in free will," said Billy Pilgrim. "If I hadn't spent so much time studying Earthlings," said the Tralfamadorian, "I wouldn't have any idea what was meant by free will. I've visited 31 inhabited planets in the universe...Only on Earth is there any talk of free will." -- K. Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Jem, Truly Outrageous

I'm sporting a new tattoo this week. I promise I'm not obsessed - I'm going to take a break on needles and ink for awhile. I ran into Jason on campus yesterday, and he told me that the new tattoo is very Jem. Truly Outrageous! If you are my Friendster, you can check it out in the pictures section of my profile.

Right now I am listening to:

a new Belle and Sebastian song on Radio K

and eating:

Uppma, courtesy of my dad


Team Member Sven said...

Well what about the rest of us? I for one wanna see it.

12:56 PM


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