"You sound to me as though you don't believe in free will," said Billy Pilgrim. "If I hadn't spent so much time studying Earthlings," said the Tralfamadorian, "I wouldn't have any idea what was meant by free will. I've visited 31 inhabited planets in the universe...Only on Earth is there any talk of free will." -- K. Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

dirty hippies

Dang dang. The dirty hippies are everywhere. Especially in Mumbai train stations under the ticket window with the giant sign that says FOREIGN TOURISTS . One dirty hippie sat underneath the ticket window in his tie-dyed pants and meditated. Good to know people like that are still flocking to India. This is why we need to phase in a new India travel subculture. Guest appearances by those sick of winter and the real world as more than welcome to join this new travel scheme.

I just spent a week in Hyderabad, which looks a lot like Sunset Boulevard. It has the same awful traffic and spread out feel of Los Angeles, but with more Indians and less burritos. To this end, I have figured out what LA needs: auto rickshaws. Serious.

On another note, I like that I can make plans that consist of "Nick, I'll meet you in India" and it works.


Anonymous said...

hello, this is jon. i am touching a computer. i liked your in depth-on the scene-exclusive-tell all report- from the front lines-behind enemy lines. i'm stupid.
we had rain/frozen rain/wet shit that freezes on impact/slush storm three days ago, and it's still stuck to the ground and anywhere things stick to. sucks. the sun is useless. my car overheats but still works every day. i found Mumbai on a map. looks warm.

5:56 PM

Anonymous said...


i hope you and nick found a hut and/or tree house in Goa. paris so far is fab. nicki says hello.

rock over london, rock over chicago, maxwell house good to the last drop.


4:00 AM

Mouffulla Naztee said...


These cubes miss you bad. Are any of these dirty hippies heading to Nepal soon to plant trees? Let us hope.

Awaiting your return,

2:34 PM

Anonymous said...

So hippies, feral dogs, and rickshaws are all well and good, but the ever-fickle stateside audience segment wants monkeys, and I do mean monkeys. The playful and chirpy kind, not the shrieking and infected variety. If they fetch you and Nick drinks, so much the better.


11:47 PM


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